HIV/AIDS Awareness Programme
In 1997 MOB felt that it was very urgent to give people awareness about HIV/AIDS. Hence it began the work in this field supported by INSA(International Nurses’ Service Association) in Banglore, which helped us for couple of years. In 1998 December, throughout Mandya District MOB conducted an aroghyaratha with a display of flowcharts in order to give vast awareness programme, on HIV/AIDS. For the entire month street plays were enacted in heavily crowded areas. From 1999 onwards MOB continued giving awareness programme, once in a week in villages through street plays and in schools through T.V. shows.

The HIV/AIDS patients detected durirng these programmes were referred to other Institutions such as Freedom Foundation and Snehadhan, Bangalore. 110 children with HIV/AIDS were identified in Mandya District by voluntary reporting. Recognizing the urgent need, in 2007 we opened a home for the HIV/AIDS affected orphan children in Mandya. This home is known as “Snehalaya Children’s Care Centre” accommodates today 27 children aged between 3 and 16 years. These children are looked after by our Sisters along with two young ladies who Stay day and night with them. All of them are enrolled in normal schools for studies.